Client: ImmobilienScout24
Task: Redesign the Neubau landing page into a contemporary style
The neubau properties needed a landing page that aligned with the style of properties being advertised on the site. To achieve this, I designed a page with a clean and contemporary aesthetic. There is bold type treatment to command the attention of the user, and pictures that not only compliment the content, but also tie in with the messaging. It is clean and minimal and overall less intimidating than the prior site and more user friendly.
Buying a property can often be an overwhelming experience and is not a decision that people make easily, and more choices simply leads to more confusion. To eliminate some of this, I implemented drop down menus, to not only remove options that the user is not interested in but also ensure the process is less complicated.
The subtle implementation of the curved corner on the landing page not only offers an interesting addition to the strong visual, but also adheres to the immoscout brand, ensuring that buyers and subconsciously reminded of that particular aesthetic. This design continues throughout the neubau pages, subtly guiding buyers and further reinforcing the immo brand.
The contemporary and clean style continues to the individual neubau property pages. Everything that the buyers need is in their view, with numerous clickable features, such as; pop up map, pop up contact sheet and a slideshow of images. The user is presented with all the relevant information in a simple yet aesthetically pleasing way, ensuring they find the process easy and get the outcome they desire.